Tuesday, February 28, 2012

As we learned previously for a function to have an inverse it has to pass the horizontal line test. However, because the Sine, Cosine, and Tangent graphs are periodic graphs they do not pass this test.

To find the inverse of these graphs you have to restrict the domain to the interval

Sine:                                        Inverse Sine:
Domain: ([-pi/2, pi/2])                Domain: (-1,1)
Range: (-1,1)                           Range: ([-pi/2, pi/2])

Cosine:                                    Inverse Cosine:
Domain: ([0, pi])                    Domain:([-1,1])
Range: ([-1,1])                        Range: ([0, pi])

Tangent:                                   Inverse Tangent:
Domain:(-pi/2, pi/2)                    Domain: (-inf, inf)     
Range: (-inf, inf)                        Range:(-pi/2, pi/2)


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